A simple tool to perform Federated Learning on various models and datasets. Build on top of Flower (FL part), jsonargparse (script and CLI parts) and Lightning/Fabric (ML part).
Uses of Pybiscus
You have two ways of using Pybiscus. Either by cloning the repo and installing (using Rye) all dependencies, and working on the code itself; or (in a later version) by just downloading the wheel and installing as a package.
Using Rye, it is as simple as
rye sync --all-features
if you aim at contributing to the project, or simply
rye sync
to install only the core dependencies.
Basic usage
The Pybiscus project comes with two applications, pybiscus_server
and pybiscus_client
. You can test if everything is working by running
rye run pybiscus_server --help
or, if you activated the virtual environnement created automatically by Rye
(.venv) pybiscus_server --help
For the client side, run
rye run pybiscus_client --help
Both server and client applications come with an init
method that basically initializes the core Python class dedicated to the server or the client. The app pybiscus_server
has a method launch
to launch the Flower Server. The client app pybiscus_client
has a method start
to start a Flower Client.
The best way to use both CLI is by using directly a YAML configuration file, which holds all arguments necessary for launching a Federated training. Some templates are in the configs/
To launch a full Federated training, for instance with the three clients whose configuration files are in configs/
, you need to open four terminal windows and run successively
rye run pybiscus_server --config configs/server.yml
rye run pybiscus_client --config configs/client_1.yml
rye run pybiscus_client --config configs/client_2.yml
rye run pybiscus_client --config configs/client_3.yml
This will run a two-rounds training on a simple CNN model, using the classicla CIFAR10 dataset. This will run on CPU for all server and clients. To run on GPU, you can simply change the configuration files, as documented here.
Work in Progress
[ ] Improving the Documentation part (Sphinx ?) and docstrings of the code.
[ ] Implementation of the Simulation part of Flower.
[ ] Organizing dependencies in pyproject.toml: dep from Typer/Flower/Fabric part (the core), dep from Paroma, dep from next data/model.
[ ] Integration of Differential Privacy.
[ ] Using only LightningDataModule, and getting rid of load_data.
[x] Logging with tensorboard.
Road Map
Here is a list of more mid/long term ideas to implement in Pybiscus for Federated Learning.